Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water



Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water


en 1694/1795


Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water

6 pound of Rasens of the Sun, stone thm, 4 pound of figgs slice thm, two pound, 2 pound of Dates shred 8 ounces of Lickerish scraped & sliced half an ounce of Sinemond as much of Mace & Cloves: bruse thm and let thm stand & infuse, in 3 gallons of Aquavite and 3 gallons of aniseed Water in an Earthen jar 14 days stiring it once every day thn put to it 2 quarts of distiled popy water and as much o[text loss] Red Rose Water and as maney popy floores a[text loss] will Colour it a claret a peck of Clove July floores cut y[text loss] Tops in, thn straine it throw a bagg: let it stand [a] day & a night thn Botele it up: you must ceep it Close covered all this while, sweten it when you Botele it with fine suger you may distill the Dregs, it will yeld you an Excelent white surfiet water



Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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