To make Extract of Saturn



To make Extract of Saturn


To make Extract of Saturn

Take a quart of wine vinegar (thirty two ounces) if made of French wine the better. - & a pd. of littharge of Gold, beat them into an earthen Pilkin, & let them simmer for an hour or hour & quarter, taking care to stir wth a wooden spitula: then take the vesel off the Fire, & when it is settled pour the clear Liquor into Bottles for use.

N: r.: The vinegar wile not comon ly taken of a sufficent quantity of Lead in so short a time it wile [illegible] it must therefore be refined [illegible] during the Cooling you must continue stirring till the Extract is as strong as you wish it to be.



Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.

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