To make Dutch [Blomange]



To make Dutch [Blomange]


To make Dutch [Blomange]
Put two ounces of Poing - g [lafs] into a Pint of hot water, till it be disolved, and then strain it through a [Sive], add to it a pint of white wine, the juice of four Lemons, ye yolks of eight Eggs, & the rine of one Lemon cut very thin: sweeten to your taste with fine sugar, set it on a slow fire, and keep stirring whilst it boils then skim, and put into any thing, and strain [text loss] To one ounce of [Hirapicase] in [text loss] put as much Annaseed- water [text loss] [Gineve] as w[e]ll just moisten it, [text loss] it stand in the Bottle till the ne[text loss] then put to it a pint of good wh[text loss] [Poul] or Mountain wine, and [shak] [text loss] it up several times for two or three Days [illegible] [inserted above: or] let it stand still to settle. You may power off the tine if you choose and put a little more whine to the [D]reggs, which the [weaks] may be of some [illegible] - [The] Apothecarie mix a little [illegible] and [illegible] the powder of [Nirapicare] in order to make it the [more] readily fine- Mrs: Dixon


Caylor, Karmen
Le, Vincent


Elizabeth Fairfax cookbook, Collection #C0202, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


George Mason University Libraries


Public domain. There are no known restrictions.