Subject is exactly
For the Green Sicknes
This Resept Good a Gainst infection
For any gouty or Cholic pains in the stomach
To stop vomiting
The Lady Fairfax Medisine against the strangurey
To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops
To boyle Flownders
To Make sausiges
Fish Sauce
Plague Water to Make
Aqua Mirabelis
To make stuffing for boiled Turkey or Fowls or a [illegible] Pike
White Pudens
A recipe for making white pudding, a savory pudding (appears that it may be related to Yorkshire Pudding). -
Sr. Fleit Shephard’s receipt for a sack-poset [posset]
A transcribed poem -
The Angelets
A recipe likely for making Angelot, a kind of soft cheese (now known as "Pont-l'Évêque") -
To make the best Litele plombe Kakes [little plum cakes]
To make a fine Baked Puding [pudding] MB
To Make a Sack Poset [posset]
A thick custard/drink similar to pudding -
To Make the Fine Great Cake
A recipe for a spiced cake, made with cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, and currants, glazed and finished with orange or lemon peel. -
Mrs Bushels Caraway Cake
A recipe for making caraway cake using caraway comfits, a sweetmeat preserved with sugar that includes a caraway seed. -
To Make a Sack Poset
A recipe for a thick pudding-like dish made by mixing eggs, sack, and sugar with boiled cream and cooking these together. -
To Make My owne Chees Cakes [cheesecakes]
A recipe to make cheese cake. -
To Make Marow Pudens [Marrow Pudding]
Describes a recipe for a boiled "marrow pudens," or marrow pudding, using bone marrow, dried fruits, rosewater, and spices. -
to Make the Queens kakes
A recipe for making small cakes with currants and spices.