An Excelent Resept for mouth water
For any gouty or Cholic pains in the stomach
To take away heat in the face
To Make Ink
To take a pin: or web out of the Eye
The Resept of Clounes Woundwort
For an ague for a child, if for a man a greater proporsion
To Stay the Bleeding of a vaine that is broken inwardly
For the Splene
For a Squincie
To stop vomiting
The Lady Fairfax Medisine against the strangurey
The use of this oyntment is this . . .
Mrs Austens Salve for grene wound or olde sores
A Plaster to ceep a [woman] [text loss]
For the Scurvey
The Worm Pills
Phiseck and Surgery May be found here
To Make an Ointment for a Scald head
Lady Munson an excellent resept for Dropsy & Scurvy
A resept for faintness
A resept against Madnes given by Mr Leeds
My Cousen girsbys resept for the Dropsy
The burnt salve to be made in may
A poultise for a sore brest