Sympathetick pouder
A Bruise, Black or Blewnes or humors settled in any part
Imposthume in the Stomach
Imposthume in the head
A watter that keeps the body in health
Feavors, to asuage & to Cool the Spirits or blood
Eyes to restore Sight, An drink, and Wash
To make Spirit of Urin
To Cure the biting of a mad dog
To break an Imposthume in the Eare or for a Noise in the head
To draw out an Imposthume without incision
A preservative in the Small pox
To preserve the Face from pittying
To preserve the Eyes from the Smallpose
When the Small Pox strik in again & the Party is in great dainger of death
To Cause urin presently
To take the fire out of a Wound
To increase flesh or Cure a Wound
To heal without a Scar
A Plaster of Tachamahac Spred
A medicinal treatment using tacamahac, a resin from the balsam poplar tree, to help with a range of ailments. -
Aneseclent Medcine to disolve and bring away the Stone
To desolve the Stone
For the Same
Another treatment for the condition known as quinsy/quinsey, a potentially life-threatening complication from tonsillitis. -
For the Same
A treatment for the condition called quinsy / quinsey, a potentially life-threatening complication from tonsillitis. -