Cousen [can’t read] resept for pain in ye back
For ye Gravill [can’t read] Spencer’s Resept
for a pain in ye Ear
a recept for ye piles
To Make the Poultis for it
[text loss; top of page N125 stained and torn; may be continued]
Appears to be a recipe for a poultice or plaster, using beeswax, pitch, mace (pepper), and turpentine, spread on a sheepskin and worn on the stomach. -
To make y Read[text loss] y Ducheys of Buckin[ham] way
The Ruburb for will
My Cousen [Shirards] Resept For A Dropsy
Doctor Cole
For ye fluse
An Excelent Resept for ye worms in children
Greene [can’t read] ointment
For sore nipples
for Convultion Fits
Fits of Mother & Confultions
The best way to make honey of roses
To cover a Naked Bone with Flesh
Broken Ribs or Bones to knit in 6 days
To dry up milk
For a Sore breast
A Pultis for a Sore breast
To desolve a hard Brest
Sore Brefts [Bruised Blood to bring a way . . .]
To asowage the pain of any Scald