Subject is exactly
To Make Lemon [Gelee]
A recipe to make a lemon drink by boiling lemon juice, peel, eggs, and sugar together. -
Napels bisket the beste
A recipe for making naples biscuits using almond flour and sweet cream. -
To heal without a Scar
To Make Suger of Roses
The Lady Fairfax Medisine against the strangurey
The use of this oyntment is this . . .
For Spasms Dr C
To Physic Children after the Small Pox
Goosberry Vinegar
White Quince Marmalade
My Lady Neviles orange Kakes
Sirope of oranges or Lemons
My Lady Nevels orange or lemon Kakes
Jelly of Hearts horne
To Make Lemon Cakes
To Make Cakes of the pulph of aney frome as quinces,
A recipe for making a clear "cake" using fruit pulp -
To make quince Cakes
To Make red Clear Cake
To make Gousberrey Clere Cakes
To Make Calves foot Jelley
Mock Madeira
Crisp Partes for Tarts
Miss Cripps’ Receipt for making Water Cakes
Chocolate puffs
To Make Cousin Beckwiths Cowslip Wine