Subject is exactly
To Make Green Goosbury Wine. 1706
Mary Gold wine
Cowslip Wine
To Make the wine caled Necture
To Make Cherry Brandy
[no title - recipe for a medicine for bowel problems]
To Make unstilled Lemon Water
To make goosbery wine
To Make Cowslip wine
To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter
Aqua Mirabelis
Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water
Wakefield ginger bread
Mince pies Mr Elmsall Emley
To make Dutch [Blomange]
To Make Lemon Cheese Cakes Mrs Jane Willkinssons Resept
My Mothers resept for Almond pufs
Sr. Fleit Shephard’s receipt for a sack-poset [posset]
A transcribed poem -
To Make Mrs Thomsons Kakes
To Make Ginger Bread Mrs Liste[r]
Paste for the thin Tarts
To make the best Litele plombe Kakes [little plum cakes]
To Make Jumbels
A Lemon Caudle
A Sack Poset [posset]
A recipe for making a "sack posset", a drink made from hot milk/cream curdled with ale, wine, or other liquor, with sugar, herbs, spices, etc.,