Subject is exactly
To stop vomiting
Sinemon Water
To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter
Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water
A Sack Poset [posset]
A recipe for making a "sack posset", a drink made from hot milk/cream curdled with ale, wine, or other liquor, with sugar, herbs, spices, etc., -
To Make a Sack Poset [posset]
A thick custard/drink similar to pudding -
To Make the Fine Great Cake
A recipe for a spiced cake, made with cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, and currants, glazed and finished with orange or lemon peel. -
My Lady Plymoths Sack Poset [posset]
Describes a recipe for "sack posset," a kind of hot drink made with milk curdled with alcohol. This recipe uses sack, a kind of white wine. -
To Make the york Ginger Bread
A recipe for gingerbread using claret wine, ginger, cinnamon, mace, cloves, Jamaica pepper (allspice), sanders (sandalwood), and bread crumbs. -
Chescakes [cheesecakes] with out Curd
A recipe for making cheesecake. -
To Make Marow Pudens [Marrow Pudding]
Describes a recipe for a boiled "marrow pudens," or marrow pudding, using bone marrow, dried fruits, rosewater, and spices. -
To Preserve the strength of Sinemond
A method for preserving cinnamon bark by wrapping in linen cloth. -
The Wood Street Cake
A recipe for a baked cake, using cinnamon, ginger, and currants. -
To Make A Raire Great Cake
A recipe for making a great cake