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Table of Contents

1949-1954: The Idea:

The Mann Manuscript | The Phone Call | The Northern Virginia University Center | The Next Step | The Resolution

1954-1958: Terra Incognita

Sectionalism | The Search | Ravensworth vs. Sunset Hills | The Governor Intercedes | Farr Tract Revisited

1957-1964: The Little Red Schoolhouse

The Bailey's Crossroads Campus | John Norville Giston Finley | Naming George Mason | Planning for George Mason College's New Home | Helen Momsen and the Gunston Ledger

1964-1972: Permanence:

Robert H. Reid | Opening Fairfax Campus | Faculty and Student Revolt | Green and Gold Mystery Solved | Mason Becomes Four Year College | The Longest One-Year Appointment | Mason Day / Patriot's Day | Student Unrest | The James M Shea Affair | The Graduating Class of 1968 | Preparing for Growth | Patriots

1972-1978: Independence

April 7, 1972 | Inaugural Meeting of BOV | North Campus | The First Building Boom | Steps toward Diversity | Vergil H. Dykstra | The Federal Theatre Project | The Day Care Center Controversy | Residential Housing | Political Activism / Fred Millar | Robert C. Krug

1978-1996: Emergence

George W. Johnson | The International School of Law | The Law School Battle | The School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution | James Buchanan | Women's Soccer - National ChampionsThe Robinson Professors | The Krasnow Institute | The Arlington Campus | Patriot Center, Center for the Arts, Bellarmine Chapel | The School of Public Policy | PAGE, Honors College & New Century | The Johnson Center | University Scholars | The Center for History and New Media

1996-2012: Prominence

Alan Merten | The Prince William Campus | The Distributed University | Office of University Life | The Great Football Debate of 1998 | World Congress on Information Technology | Peter N. Stearns | Vernon L. Smith | Mason's Branding Initiative | The Final Four | Campus Construction | Ángel Cabrera

2012-2019: Vision

President Ángel Cabrera: Working for Access to Excellence | Mason Moves to A-10 | Remaking Fenwick Library