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Photo Dr. James M. Shea from The Gunston Ledger, October 26, 1967

The Gunston Ledger front page article with photo regarding Dr. James M. Shea’s refusal to be drafted in Richmond, Virginia on November 9, 1967

The poster for the 1960 film Spartacus. The Hollywood Black List destroyed or halted the careers of many Americans working in the film industry from the late 1940s through the early 1960s, one of the most notable being the screenwriter Dalton Trumbo.…

Pencil with inscription reading "Carrie Chapman Catt".

Yellow pennant with black lettering that reads "Votes for Women." These kinds of pennants were used to make a statement about an individual's support of an issue, in this case, women's voting rights. Pennants were often carried in marches or rallies,…

Posters like this were handed out by suffragists and voting activists to encourage women to register to vote. They were hung in the windows of homes, informing those who walked past of the resident's voter status.

Pamphlet produced by the U.S. Department of Defense to keep American workers aware of the nature and consequences of industrial sabotage.
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