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Front and back covers to Communism Versus The Negro, a book detailing author William Nolan's belief that communists use propaganada to persuade African-Americans to support their cause. Please note that the title contains an offensive word that is no…

A page from a LIFE magazine article entitled: Communism: A Series on the Mounting Threat to Us All, September 13, 1963.

Pamphlet produced by the U.S. Department of Defense to keep American workers aware of the nature and consequences of industrial sabotage.

Container belonging to the Civil Defense Administration film, Duck and Cover by Castle Films.

The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster resulted in significant health problems for those who lived in the area. Exposure; Everlasting details the experinces of thirty individuals who survived the event.

Pamphlet produced by the U.S. Department of Defense outlining federal laws pertaining to internal espionage.

Front and barck covers to House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation, a booklet which makes the claim that the House Un-American Activities Committee engages in racist practices.

The front and back covers to the book How to Survive an Atomic Bomb by Richard Gerstel.

Images from Jailed for Freedom including: cover of the book, Page 96 detailing arrests of picketting suffragists, and Page 99 depicting suffragists in prison clothing.

35 mm color slide or original poster advertising the Federal Theatre Project play Lucy Stone in Boston, Massachusetts.
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