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Members of the LWVFA pose for a photograph in early 1900s garb to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the organization in 1995.

First Lady, Patricia Nixon and President Nixon vote in the 1972 Election in San Clemente, CA, November 7, 1972

Typescript of Scene 8 of the Federal Theatre Project play, Lucy Stone. Play is a biographical piece about 19th century suffagist, Lucy Stone.

35 mm color slide or original poster advertising the Federal Theatre Project play Lucy Stone in Boston, Massachusetts.

Photograph of cast during Scene 8 of a performance of the Federal Theatre Project's Lucy Stone in Boston, Massachusetts.

Images from Jailed for Freedom including: cover of the book, Page 96 detailing arrests of picketting suffragists, and Page 99 depicting suffragists in prison clothing.

Cover to a biography of suffragist and civil rights activist Ida B. Wells. This copy includes notes by C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb for his interview with the author on his program Booknotes.

Photograph of U.S. Representative Patsy Takemoto Mink of Hawaii in front of the U.S. Capitol Building. Mink was the first woman of color elected to Congress.

Leaflet produced by the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, Virginia for League members. The leaflet explains the background of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and discusses action the league planned to take in support of the Act's 1982…

Memo from the national leadership of the League of Women Voters to state and local League presidents celebrating the outcome of the House of Representatives' vote to pass the 1982 extension to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
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