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Harold Saunders, American Diplomat

Harold Saunders

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  • Harold Saunders identification tag

    Harold Saunders' pass as a member of President Ford's team visiting Japan, Korea, and the U.S.S.R.
  • Sinai II Shuttle group

    A photograph of several individuals who were part of the Sinai II agreement negotiations. Harold Saunders stands in the center.
  • Letter from Richard Nixon

    A letter for Harold Saunders from Richard Nixon acknowledging ten years of service on the National Security Council staff.
  • Invitation to dinner

    An invitation for Harold Saunders to a state dinner in honor of Richard Nixon while he was visiting New Delhi. The event took place at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
  • Saunders itinerary

    An itinerary for Harold Saunders while accompanying Richard Nixon on a trip to South Asia.
  • Kissinger Aide Gets Key State Post

    A newspaper article announcing Harold Saunders' appointment as deputy assistant secretary of state for Near East and South Asian affairs.
  • 2 Johnson Foreign Policy Men to Serve on Kissinger's Staff

    A newspaper clipping announcing Harold Saunders' promotion to work on Near East and South Asian affairs.
  • Second Sinai Agreement photograph

    A photograph of Henry Kissinger and Anwar Sadat seated at a table. An arrow is drawn pointing to Harold Saunders in the photograph.
  • Harold Saunders letter to his parents

    A letter Harold Saunders wrote to his parents after the first Egypt-Israeli disengagement agreement had been signed.
  • Agreement signed on disengagement of forces photograph

    (From back) UN 124,351; Cairo-Suez Road, Egypt, 18 January 1974. The agreement between Israel and Egypt on disengagement of forces in pursuance of the Geneva Peace Conference was signed today at 1025 hours GMT. The meeting, which was held in the United Nations tent at Kilometre 101 of the Cairo-Suez road, was opened at 1020 hours GMT by Lt. Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo, Commander of the United Nations Emergency Forces (UNEF). The agreement was signed by Major General Mohamed Abdul Ghany El-Gamasy for Egypt, Lt. General David Elazer for Israel, and Lt. Gen. Siilasvuo for the United Nations. The agreement was in the English language in three originals, one for each of the signatories. Maps on the final disengagement were enclosed. At the table in the foreground are General Taha El-Magdoub (left) and Maj. Gen. El-Gamasy. At the table at right (foreground to background): Harold H. Saunders (United States), of the National Security Council staff. Captain Joseph Fallon (Ireland), member of the staff of UNEF Commander, and Carlyle E. Maw, legal adviser from the United States Department of State. In the background (right to left): Lt. Gen. David Elazar, Gen. A. Adan, Col. D. Sion, Col. A. Levran and Meir Rosenne from the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Credit must be given: United Nations/Y. Nagata.
  • Agreement signed on disengagement of forces photograph

    (From back) UN 124,351; Cairo-Suez Road, Egypt, 18 January 1974. The agreement between Israel and Egypt on disengagement of forces in pursuance of the Geneva Peace Conference was signed today at 1025 hours GMT. The meeting, which was held in the United Nations tent at Kilometre 101 of the Cairo-Suez road, was opened at 1020 hours GMT by Lt. Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo, Commander of the United Nations Emergency Forces (UNEF). The agreement was signed by Major General Mohamed Abdul Ghany El-Gamasy for Egypt, Lt. General David Elazer for Israel, and Lt. Gen. Siilasvuo for the United Nations. The agreement was in the English language in three originals, one for each of the signatories. Maps on the final disengagement were enclosed. Israeli map showing a detailed plan of troop disengagement being examined by Maj. Gen. El-Gamasy. To his left are General Taha El-Magdoub, and Col. A.F. Howaidy. Pointing at the map is Col. D. Sion (Israel). Seated at the table at left is Harold H. Saunders (United States), of the National Security Council staff. Credit must be given: United Nations/Y. Nagata.
  • Agreement signed on disengagement of forces photograph

    (From back) UN 124,356; Cairo-Suez Road, Egypt, 18 January 1974. The agreement between Israel and Egypt on disengagement of forces in pursuance of the Geneva Peace Conference was signed today at 1025 hours GMT. The meeting, which was held in the United Nations tent at Kilometre 101 of the Cairo-Suez road, was opened at 1020 hours GMT by Lt. Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo, Commander of the United Nations Emergency Forces (UNEF). The agreement was signed by Major General Mohamed Abdul Ghany El-Gamasy for Egypt, Lt. General David Elazer for Israel, and Lt. Gen. Siilasvuo for the United Nations. The agreement was in the English language in three originals, one for each of the signatories. Maps on the final disengagement were enclosed. Seen here leaving the United Nations tent at the conclusion of today's meeting are General Ensio Siilasvuo, Remy Gorge, Political Adviser to the UNEF Commander, and Harold H. Saunders, of the United States National Security Council staff. Credit must be given: United Nations/Y. Nagata.
  • Photograph of Kissinger team

    A photograph of a group of people as part of Henry Kissinger's team of diplomats between Egypt and Israel. The photograph includes Harold Saunders in the middle.
  • Photograph of Kissinger team

    A photograph of a group of people as part of Henry Kissinger's team of diplomats between Egypt and Israel. The photograph includes Harold Saunders, second from left.
  • Harold Saunders in the Washington Post

    A photograph of a group of men gathered around a map of Israel prior to signing a disengagement accord between Egypt and Israel. The photograph features Harold Saunders on the far left.
  • Photograph of Harold Saunders receiving medal

    A photograph of Harold Saunders having the Air Force Commendation Medal pinned to his uniform. The picture was taken at Andrews Air Force Base.
  • Air Force Commendation Certificate

    A certificate awarding the Air Force Commendation Medal to Harold Saunders for meritorious service.
  • Photograph at Officer Candidate School, Lackland AFB

    Photograph of Harold Saunders at Officer Candidate School at the Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. L to R: Utley, Jones, H. Smith, Saunders, Strickland.
  • Saunders military service photograph

    Photograph of Harold Saunders (R) and Hedrick Smith (L) in their official military uniforms.