Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated April 8, 1946





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated April 8, 1946


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving at Memphis, TN after World War II discussing his Mother's illness and his discharge from the Army.



4 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 6


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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April 8, 1946
Dear Mother,
I just talked to Dad and am greatly relieved to hear you feel better already. Apparently Ravine knows his stuff and I feel confident that whatever he is doing for you will benefit you immensely. Perhaps I will be able to talk to you later in the week. Naturally, I was quite surprised to hear of your going to Cincy, and did not know what to make of it at first. I hope you will never worry about a thing anymore. You can really be happy and have a lot of fun – there are so many wonderful things to see and do in this world,

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not merely for entertainment alone, but for the betterment of mankind. I think that each of us, in our own small way can contribute toward that end by just being bright and cheerful. We should all try to find pleasure in even the smallest and simplest things. As an example, I find myself at times overjoyed at being able to breathe cool, clean fresh air in an open field. Perhaps it seems queer to write such things, but sometimes one’s feelings cannot be adequately expressed in words.
I suppose by now you know that I am about to say good-bye to the Army. Saturday a telegram came in from Army Ground Forces in Washington stating that

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April 8, 1946
we should be discharged immediately. I didn’t expect it quite so soon. I guess they were waiting for Army Day to pass. By the way, we had a wonderful Army Day exhibit here at the airport. Everything imaginable was shown. I saw the jet-propelled P-80 “Shooting Star” in action. It flies at the slow speed of 600 m.p.h. Also the radio-controlled airplane target was shown. Imagine controlling an airplane from the ground by radio waves! We displayed Bailey Bridges, the very latest in artillery and armored equipment, radar, and numerous other pieces of equipment.

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General Simpson was there and I got several pictures of him. Everyone was following him all over trying to get a glimpse of him and his wife. Don’t think for a minute that they don’t love all that glamour. He is covered from top to bottom with medals.
I turned in my application for discharge this morning, and this afternoon telegrams went out to the various separation centers for quotas. We should begin hearing from them tomorrow. When we hear from Atterbury, I of course, will know when I am to leave. All I know now is that it might be at the end of the wee or sometime next week for sure. I was supposed to make T/4 next week. I don’t know what they will do about that now.
Take care of yourself. I’ll write more tomorrow.
Jerome, Jr.

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