Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated March 24, 1946





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated March 24, 1946


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving at Memphis, TN after World War II discussing demobilization, family news, and concerts and plays.



4 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 6


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
March 24, 1946
Dear Mother and Dad,
There is really so very little to write or tell you these days. Everything does go on as usual, and I am thankful that I have been fortunate enough to have been able to sweat out a discharge here. Whether I will get out a little earlier than expected is still in the realm of speculation. That is why I am so indefinite about coming home for Passover. Perhaps I will know something after Army Day. As I told you, men in the 5th Division were told that they would get out as soon as they returned from Chicago. They will be back by April 15th. I suppose by the time they get their names on a quota for the reception centers and get to the reception centers (I should say separation) it will be May 1 anyway.

Image 2:
Today was misty and rainy—a bad day for golf. I got up quite early yesterday morning to play, since we now have all day Saturday off instead of Wednesday afternoons.
The Second Armored is at Camp Hood, Texas, and they are trying to get men with previous armored experience who will be in service for a while to volunteer for it.
I have been doing a lot of work for ROTC section which is a part of G-3 also. There is nothing to do in Troop Movements. One of the colonels in ROTC inspected the U.D. unit a few weeks ago. ROTC is the busiest section we have now.
Why did Margy keep her marriage a secret, or shouldn’t I ask such things?
I meant to ask you more about the attempted robbery at the warehouse. You don’t keep much cash in there anyway, do you?

Image 3:
March 24, 1946
If Bob were smart, he would finish school and get a degree. I hope he turns out better than his brother. I suppose this was all Harry’s idea.
A trip this summer sounds like a wonderful idea, and of course, I’m all for it. I will start school in September—where, though, is quite a problem. As soon as I get out, I will start working on it.
Egan Petre, pianist, is giving a concert Tuesday night. That just about winds up the music season here. “Dear Ruth” is coming next week. That, “Rebecca”, and “Pick-up Girl” were the only plays here this season.
The officers (God bless ‘em) are planning a dinner-dance on Army Day. They lead such hard lives.

Image 4:
The office is full of Lt. Cols. and Majors, and there is one poor 1st Lt. who gets all the work thrown at him. I feel sorry for him. We now have 3 full colonels.
Let me hear from you. As you can probably discern from the above, there is very little new here.
Jerome, Jr.

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