Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated February 3, 1946





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated February 3, 1946


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving at Memphis, TN after World War II discussing family news, food, and Senator Bilbo.



3 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 6


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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Feb. 3, 1946
Dear Mother and Dad,
I just finished a big roast beef dinner here at the hotel and I feel like a stuffed pig. However, I never tire of eating. It’s a wonderful pastime, isn’t it?
As I told you, Seymour and Sally took me to the Peabody for dinner last Monday night. Sally’s brother and sister-in-law were there also. We dance and drank, and all in all it was a very lovely evening. I don’t know when they left. They only expected to stay a couple of days.
I guess Seymour is going to work for Schiff’s in Dayton for a short while, until he can go in to something else. I think he would like to start up a business for himself.
Glad to hear Mrs. Kemp is back. It will make things much easier at the warehouse now.
Mother, you should get out as much as possible. You probably sit around and think too much about the past, present, and future, and I am sure that isn’t good for anyone.
Thanks so much for the checks, Dad. I converted some others you had sent me into traveler’s checks, since they are easier to cash.
Thursday was pay day. I drew $46 – included in this was furlough ration

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money and a half-month’s pay as T/5. There’s no use checking on the bonds. They will come in due time. You see in December I signed the supplementary payroll for November for I arrived too late in the month from Carson to get on the regular payroll. In January I signed the December supplementary because I was on furlough.
I imagine Edward likes Phoenix much better. The Cohn’s aren’t back, are they?
Nothing more to report on discharges or on moving. Just have to wait to see what develops.
I found out that it is a 60-day wait between T/5 and T/4 instead of 30.
I have never received the Dayton papers. Why don’t you cancel the subscription? I don’t really need it.
Too bad Evelyn had to leave you now. She’ll be in plenty of trouble yet. But I suppose they all are anyway.
There’s no need for you to send me N.Y. papers here. You forget this isn’t Italy or Louisiana.
Almost everything in Second Army is or is about to be inactivated or transferred to 1st and 4th Armies. We activated a couple of units at Camp Crowder, Mo. And Ft. Riley, Kansas. It looks looks like they will be in our territory with Benj. Harrison as Headquarters.
What do you think of Sen. Bilbo’s rabble-rousing in Congress?

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Feb. 3, 1946
He is really a menace. He brings the Jew into that FEPC bill as much as the Negro.
Truman doesn’t seem to be able to show much strength or power in all these matters.
Well, I will make this short and close now. I wish there were more to write about.
Love to both of you.
Jerome, Jr.

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