Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated January 20, 1946





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated January 20, 1946


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving at Memphis, TN after World War II discussing his promotion to T/5, food, strikes, demobilization, and movies.



3 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 6


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
Jan. 20, 1946
Dear Mother and Dad,
This has been a dull, dreary, rainy Sunday. It must rain here more than any other place on earth. There was a very heavy snow early in the week but it soon melted, giving way to the rain. I will be glad to see the coming of spring. Winter is too confining.
As you already know I made T/5 this week. It means $12 more a month a month which brings my pay up to the overwhelming ?? sum of $66. I stand a good chance of going higher. There are a lot of high ratings vacant. I understand there must be a 30-day delay from T/5 to T/4 and 60 days between promotions after T/4 and 60 days between promotions after T/4. So technically I could get about 2 more promotions. I took the place held by a master sergeant.
Once again I had to have some sewing done-- 10₵ for each sleeve (expensive promotion!)
Haven’t heard anything more about moving. No one seems to know what the story is.
I had a marvelous sirloin a little while ago. The strike hasn’t affected the meat supply here—yet.

Image 2:
How will the steel strike affect our business? I should think it would halt it completely. I’m afraid the others aren’t going to follow Harvey Kaiser. Will you have to close up, Dad?
I still think the demobilization plan is unsatisfactory. Enclosed is an article from “PM” explaining it. We had a meeting this week at which time is it was explained to us. All 45 point men or those who will have 30 months by April 30 are to be discharged at once. By April 30 I will have 28 months (approximately). It will probably be several weeks or maybe longer (but I doubt it) before they are discharged. They have already turning in their names and other information required. Quotas to the various separation centers must be obtained and transportation must be provided. About 300 out of the 800 here are affected by this and they will leave soon—highest point men and those longest in the service first. Edward L. will get out under this for he went in a little over 2 months before I did and by April 30 will have 30 months. We are hoping that on May 1 we will get a break similar to this and be able to get out earlier although all 40 pointers and 2 year men don’t have to be out until June 30. By June 30 I would have almost 30 months and only 24 will be needed to get out, so I should be one of the first.

Image 3:
(3) Jan. 20, 1946
I don’t think the plan is very fair. They should keep on lowering the points instead.
The Memphis Symphony didn’t live up to my expectations. Mary Marjorie Lawrence was very fine but she sang French arias and a selection from Wagner, and I can’t see anything beautiful about the guttural German language.
“Vacation from Marriage” and “Leave Her to Heaven” are superb. The latter is pretty gruesome however. Full of murder, suicide, etc.
Dad, it’s too bad there isn’t someone to relieve you of so much responsibility. So glad to hear you are better, Mother. I still believe that Florida would be a good tonic for you both.
I think I will see Barbara Stanwyck in “My Reputation” tonight. Not much else new here.
Love to both of you.
Jerome, Jr.

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