Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated December 9, 1945





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein, dated December 9, 1945


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving at Memphis, TN after World War II discussing discharges from the Army, consumerism, 10th Mountain Division, books, an orchestra concert, and officer-enlisted relations.



3 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 5


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
Dec. 9, 1945
Dear Mother and Dad,
Another week has gone by—which brings me just that much closer to a discharge. In just 24 days, 7 hours, 15 minutes, and 20 seconds I will have 2 years of service. Oh happy day!
Today I have been inquiring about train schedules to Dayton. None of the trains are very good. It takes about 17-18 hours by way of Louisville and Cincinnati. My best bet will probably be the 7:55 AM train which arrives in Dayton 1:20 AM the following morning. There is one at 8:50 PM but since we can’t get our furlough until midnight (a stupid ruling) I would have to sit around all day. A plane takes 5 hours. I feel pretty sure I will get some sort of furlough. I will know just what day and how long in a couple of days. I want to leave on the 17th.
Dad, I want to congratulate you again on your birthday. Too bad I couldn’t get my furlough a bit sooner to be with you. Last year at this time you were commuting between Dayton and Swift.
We had some snow early in the week and then it warmed up considerably. Today it is getting cold again, and the paper predicts more snow.
It’s nice to go into the stores around Christmas. You see so many things on display, and everyone is buying plenty. I can’t help noting the amazing contrast between what I see here and what I saw this past year in Italy. It can’t be put into words.

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The story on the 10th Division was very well written. The 10th has certainly received a lot of publicity. Newsweek’s new issue tells about some 10th men starting ski schools and resorts across the country.
As I told you, the candy and brownies came yesterday, and everything was quite delicious. Thanks so much.
I bought “Forever Amber” this week. What a book! What a woman! Everybody in the barracks wants to read it.
Had letters today from Aunt Fannie and Edward L. I guess Aunt Fannie is returning to prepare for Seymour’s homecoming. Ed wrote from Dayton. I wonder how he likes Las Vegas.
Wednesday evening I am going to a concert given by Victor Borge and his orchestra –classical and semi-classical. He’s very good—used to be on Crosby’s program. The program includes some Gerswich and Kern music, etc. I got a $3.60 ticket for half price through the Special Service Section.
We had a staff inspection yesterday. The “mayjah” had some caustic comment to make about everything he saw. I didn’t get gigged , however. That old boy (I could think of far better names for him) is really a corker. He’s been in the Army 10 years and intends to stay for life.
When we hear that Gen. Patton was in an accident, cheers rang thru the whole barracks. The EM’s love the brass so much. Reminds me of Maudlin’s cartoons when Willie says “Oh, I love officers. They make me want to live til the war is over.”
I have never had the Dayton paper either at Carson or here. I think you.

Image 3:
(3) December 9, 1945
should cancel the subscription. The world news I get from the papers here, and you always keep me posted on the happenings at home.
There is a strong rumor that Second Army will move soon. Perhaps in Jan. or Feb. The Army much give up all the fairgrounds it has taken all over the country. Chicago and Indianapolis are rumored for the new location.
That is about all for now. Love to you both.
Jerome, Jr.

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