Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated October 20, 1945





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated October 20, 1945


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving at Camp Carson, CO after World War II discussing the points system, transfers within the Army and discharges, theater/opera, and area landmarks.



5 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 5


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
Oct. 20, 1945
Dear Mother and Dad,
It was swell to talk to you today. In the afternoon the calls go through surprisingly fast.
As I told you I am working as a clerk in Special Troops Personnel. I like the work, and it’s much better than laying around the barracks doing nothing as the others are doing.
Monday we are sending all the 50-59 point men to Camp Roberts, California. I suppose they will stay there to process men coming back from the Pacific until they are discharged. Most of them don’t like it, because they are mostly from the east, and want to get nearer home. However, if the discharge score drops to 50 on Dec. 1, they will be out soon anyway.

Image 2:
I don’t see why the men can’t be sent to posts nearer their homes.
All the men in the company with 35 points and under are being shipped to the 2nd Division at Camp Swift. I suppose they will go over. Once again it seems unfair—to send men over who have already been across.
What they intend to do with those—including me—in the 36-49 category is still a question mark.
In the past week I have spent some time at Div. Hq. where I usually pick up a lot of information. I have been busy getting service records in order and getting everyone’s points straightened out. We have had a number of men re-enlist, most of them being 35 points and under. I think they are looking forward to the 60 or 90 day furlough and the bonus, etc. All of a sudden it will dawn on them that they are stuck in the Regular Army.

Image 3:
(3) Oct. 20, 1945
Quite a few are getting discharges for dependency and for farm work. I have been typing up their applications. One fellow applied for an educational discharge to go back to Yale, but was rejected. He was studying for the diplomatic corps and has an excellent records. I was thinking of applying myself until his was rejected. It didn’t even get to Div. Hq.—the Capt. In Sp. Trps. rejected it. Nothing like that will go through.
The sig. co. is to be de-activated next Thursday the entire division by Nov. 15th. Hope I can stick around here a while. Maybe I can get a job in the separation center here. Clerks are essential, but with my 37 points I won’t be out for a while anyway.

Image 4:
I have eaten in town every night—the most delicious steaks I have eater are to be found here.
Tonight I ate at the Antlers -- hamburger, steak, french fried onions, shrimp, etc. plus a champagne cocktail.
I saw the West Coast company production of “Dear Ruth” Tuesday night. It’s a wonderful comedy.
Helen Jepson was here Thursday but I didn’t go.
Also went out to the Broadmoor Ice Palace a couple of times to watch the ice skating. I was going to try it myself but the floor was too crowded, and I don’t think it right to try to learn under those conditions.
Wednesday we took a sightseeing trip to the Broadmoor Zoo and the Will Rodgers Shrine atop Cheyenne Mountain—8000 feet up the end of a twisting, winding road. It was breathtaking and reminded me so much of the Apennines in Italy.
Pike’s Peak is closed for the season—it was closed up last Sunday, the day we wanted to go up.

Image 5:
(5) Oct. 20, 1945
8 inches of snow fell on the summit last Saturday. It looks beautiful.
The weather has been marvelous—warm in the day and cold at night.
I was able to get a kodacolor film for the box camera at home which I will send you. I found it in Denver.
Films are much easier to get—I bought another 118 today for my camera. I must have the pictures I took this week develop.
Not much else to write. Write all the news.
Jerome, Jr.

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