Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated April 7th, 1945





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated April 7th, 1945


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving in the Italian theater during World War II, discussing war news and hometown and family news.



5 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 4


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
Somewhere in Italy
April 7, 1945
Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa,
In my last letter I rambled on and on about my pass to Florence, etc., and didn’t have much time to write about anything else. All your letters are coming in regularly the latest being the one you both wrote Mar. 29th which arrived yesterday.
The war is coming along quite satisfactorily and is very encouraging, but it begins to look more and more like we will have to take every square inch of German territory plus the countries she still occupies before we can celebrate V-E day. And that, as I see it, means killing or capturing every German capable of shouldering a gun. They shall have to pay dearly for their fanaticism. I hope that when victory finally comes, we won’t go soft on them.
Please send some food, whenever you care to do so.

Image 2:
Somewhere in Italy
April 7, 1945
Did you read Eisenhower’s letter to Roosevelt which was just published this week?
Yes, we do receive a pack of cigarettes a day, and usually a small chocolate bar.
I much prefer a small Seder at home like we have without all the ceremony. As you say, Mother, we do feel that certain something on the holidays.
So many papers and magazines have come recently. Yesterday, the “Time,” “Life,” and 2 “N.Y. Times” you mailed on March 23, 27, and 28 came. It was swell to get them. Also received was a “U.S. News.” Last week others came, including the March “Reader’s Digest.”
Yes, I’d be glad to have some [undecipherable] T-shirts if you would care to send them. By the way, all of our winter clothing has been turned in now including the sweater, so the sweater you made, Mother, comes in quite handy, as it is still pretty cool at times.
Please send some food whenever you care to do so.

Image 3:
(3) Somewhere in Italy
April 7, 1945
I was surprised to hear of Stanley Kuzow’s being called to San Diego. Have you heard any more about him? Being called back from a furlough must be terribly hard.
V-12 must be rough if David Olch couldn’t stick it out. But I imagine he was on the borderline the whole time.
I suppose the Major is happy with his new assignment in Washington. What have you heard from Aunt Fannie? And how is Frieda getting along? I had a letter from Aunt Fannie recently – before she left Dayton. She also sent two wonderful boxes—one from her and the other from Frieda.
Has Bob Prugh left England yet?
Major Kotcher is doing quite important work, isn’t he? I guess he has done a lot of research work on the robot bomb. I remember the newspaper articles about him last summer.
Please send some food whenever you care to do so.

Image 4:
(4) Somewhere in Italy
April 7, 1945
Yes, the Dayton papers are coming right along. Just let them come as they are – the advertising doesn’t mean that much.
Had a letter from Ethyl in which she told of their joining the club. Neither of them plays golf. Maybe she plays at it once in a while. Also received the book she sent. I must write her as well as Leonora and Faye who both wrote me.
Sounds like Harry Jr. got fairly nice deal. Faye said he is about the oldest in his company. Had a nice letter Leonora. Have they heard much from Bob yet?
Have you been able to get anyone to paint the house and to put in new steps and walks?
Glad to hear that Saul is better. I think he was lucky in being able to avoid an operation. He gets those attacks frequently, doesn’t he?
Please send some food whenever you care to do so.

Image 5:
(5) Somewhere in Italy
April 7, 1945
Yesterday your box sent March 2 came. It’s marvelous. During the past 2 weeks so many, many of the boxes sent by you have arrived. It’s about impossible to enumerate everything that came but it was all in excellent in condition and all very wonderful.
Received a pamphlet from U.D. as well as a couple of Fairview papers.
I have been a real news hound lately – listening to every newscaster that comes along and charting the gains made by our armies on a big map of Europe which I brought over with me.
Well, this letter is rather short but I hope to be able to write more tonight. Love to all of you.
Jerome, Jr.
P.S. Don’t Forget to send some food whenever you want to.

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