Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated February 16th, 1945





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated February 16th, 1945


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while serving in the Italian theater during World War II, discussing food, war news, and censorship of mail.



1 page


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 4


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
Somewhere in Italy
Feb. 16, 1945
Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa,
Today was a red letter day. The package you sent on Jan. 12 arrived and is certainly appreciated. I always like the apricot nectar, and the can opener is mighty handy. The cookies, though quite broken up – mostly crumbs, in fact, were delicious. I’ll tell you how everything comes, so that you can better judge the best way of packing these things. The melba toast and cheese make a nice combination. One corner of the cheese was moldy due to a tear in the wrapping. The chocolate and dates were excellent. So much for that.
I still can’t write much about places I have seen, etc. We have all been seating out the Russian offensive. The favorite question around here is “What did the Russians do today?”
Dad, your letter of Feb 1st and Mother, yours of the 2nd came today. I have plenty of money. I’ll be drawing around 35 or 36 dollars a month now – enough to make me a wealthy man since there isn’t much to spend it on. Also we have a sufficient supply of toilet articles issued to us so far.
(continued in next V-mail form)

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