Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated November 26th, 1944





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated November 26th, 1944


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while undergoing training at Camp Polk, LA discussing Thanksgiving, war news, the 20 July Plot, Operation Market Garden, war loan drive, food, and possible deployment.



5 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 3


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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Nov. 26, 1944
Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa,
Well, it is again Sunday evening and an ideal time to write. In reality it’s about the only time I have to write. I sure wish I could write more often. However, as we have said before, we are very fortunate in being able to talk together so frequently, so that makes up for it in part.
The weather here is quite varied this time of year. Some days have been either very cold and cloudy or rainy, and others beautiful, bright fall days. Thanksgiving Day was gorgeous. The sun shone brightly and the temperatures was just right. We went around all day without field jackets, etc. Today was also quite nice, although a bit chilly.
I missed Drew Pearson this evening but I did get to hear the newscast “Monday Morning Headlines” immediately after his program. There doesn’t seem to be much activity anywhere. It’s surely hard to try to reason out. I think Eisenhower & Co. are finding Germany a tougher nut to crack than they thought she would be. I also think that the small-scale revolution in Germany last July was fomented by the Allies in

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some manner and that they counted on a people’s uprising and a breakthrough at Arnhem in Sept. to win the war in a hurry. Also it’s a damned funny thing that they were so short of ammunition around Aachen, etc. I really don’t know what to make out of the whole mess anymore and neither does anyone else I guess.
I do think though that the flood of pessimism released lately is partly propaganda for the 6th war loan drive and also to keep people at their jobs.
The U.S. News is terribly optimistic, isn’t it? Every time I read it I try so hard to believe it, but somehow things don’t seem to be working out that way.
I wonder just what did happen to delay this war? There was so much talk of the end being in Oct., etc.
It was so nice to get your big box of delicacies this week. Everything was so delicious. Those chocolate covered almonds are marvelous. I was passing them around freely and they really made a hit. Then I turned ove the box over, saw the price tag, and nearly fell over. It’s almost like eating gold. The apples were delicious (in fact as well as name!)
I am especially fond of the cheese and crackers. Alos Also the prunes, figs, etc. That apricot nectar is excellent. The can became quite cold and made it all the

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(3) Nov. 26, 1944
more tasty.
I was unable to get “Time,” “Newsweek, and “Life” this week, but I did get to read part of the latter 2 in the library. If you don’t get up to the main PX on Friday night for these magazines you are out of luck. The supply of everything in the PX’s has always been very low in all the camps I have been in. I don’t know why that should be.
We have a ping-pong table in the day-room but no balls to play with. Likewise a pool table with no felt to cover it. Also a phonograph that doesn’t work.
I was able to get only 1 ping-pong ball at the PX (the rest were sent to the PX warehouse). While we were playing tonight [undecipherable] it was accidently stepped upon. Yesterday John Hughes tried to buy some all over Leesville but had no luck. We might be able to get some from Special Services.
Well, it looks like we are very hot. I have been keeping you posted on everything I know, but I will write about it anyway.
Yesterday the Colonel made a speech, said that sometime from 2 weeks from now to April, we

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would get on a train, then on a boat. Said he didn’t know when or in what direction, but that higher headquarters were calling him up every day. They want the 68th I guess. Int Isn’t that lovely?
We aren’t alerted yet, but I suppose that can come any day. 4th Headquarters inspected us last Thursday. Tomorrow is an I.G. inspection, and Tuesday General Lucas, commanding general of the 4th Army, is scheduled to inspect us. Until we are alerted we can keep 1 extra suit of fatigues but are supposed to get rid of all other extra clothing. No one has done that yet, so I won’t do it either until I am forced to.
We had to mend all holes in our clothing today and turn in clothing for repair or salvage. I turned in a suit of fatigues, 2 pr. Of socks, and a field jacket. I’m hoping to get a new type field jacket out of the deal. The c.o. restricted us this morning to tell us this stuff, and to have us do it.
This afternoon all drivers and asst. drivers had to work on their vehicles at the motor pool. Others had to be on pit detail and had to fire on the range. It was 12 noon and they hadn’t caught me for any details yet, so I got permission to leave and beat it out of the area before they dreamed up something else that

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Nov. 26, 1944
involved work.
I know that I am still listed as excess but whether or not that will mean anything I don’t know.
As things stand now, I could go on furlough Dec. 5, but must wait until Dec. 11, since my 5 months aren’t up until then. But if we are alerted I won’t get it, for only those who haven’t had a furlough in 6 months will get one. So as you can [undecipherable] see, I don’t know about anything at all for sure. I’m just hoping, that’s all.
Well, Monday morning is here, and I’m supposed to be working on orientation, so I must close. It was quite cold last night, but is getting warmer.
I will write more tonight. I want to get this in the morning mail.
Jerome, Jr.

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