Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated November 5th, 1944





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated November 5th, 1944


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while undergoing training at Camp Polk, LA discussing a furlough, movies, war news, FDR and the election of 1944, orientation lectures, and hometown gossip.



4 pages


World War, 1939-1945


Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945


Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 3


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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Nov. 5, 1944
Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa
I just came back to the area after doing the same old things I do every Sunday. Boy is life in an Army camp dull. I feel like going to New Orleans again this week. I could get a pass all night, but I don’t know what to do. It would have been nice to have been there on election night. Although nothing has been said as yet, I doubt if 3-day passes will be issued during the 7 weeks of basic or intensified training which starts Nov. 13 – next Monday. Classes we miss while on K.P. etc. must be made up on Sat. afternoons and in the evenings. Passes were stopped last May when we had 2 weeks of this training. However, I know that furloughs won’t be affected.
As I said before, don’t count on anything, but I now I should get a furlough starting Dec. 11. Too bad I couldn’t be home for your birthday, Dad. I’ll get 20 or 21 days – you see we get 15 days plus traveling time plus 1 day of grace, and I’m not sure whether I’ll get 4 or 5 days traveling time.
As always, it’s been swell speaking to all of you this past week. Grandpa, you sounded your voice sounded

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like you feel pretty well.
Today I saw “The Song of Bernadette” with Jennifer Jones. It was released early this year but I had never seen it. It’s really a superb picture.
I’m still waiting for the big push in Europe. Drew Pearson said tonight that everything is ready for it. I certainly hope it comes soon.
Did you hear Roosevelt last night? He was at his best, I thought. It would be awful if he were defeated.
I was on guard duty from 10 A.M. to 2 A.M. after which I went to bed in the barracks.
I expect K.P. Thursday or Friday – maybe sooner. That’s one thing I detest. There’s nothing to guard duty however.
Our orientation lectures are going over very well. I’m glad to do it, for it gives me something to take an interest in. I colored a large black and white map of Europe for the bulletin board yesterday. Glad you’re sending a map. I know I will be able to use it.
The apples and oranges, etc. were swell. I was especially fond of the burnt almonds and figs.
On Friday the “Times” etc. came just in time to use for Sat. morning.
Friday morning I was on a pit detail – working targets on the carbine transition range. It’s quite cozy in a foxhole with bullets whizzing over you.
Had a letter from Harry from Colorado. I answered him today.

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Nov. 5, 1944
I was surprised to hear about Nancy. I wonder where she met this fellow and when? Hold How old is he? Poor Bernie! I’ll write her this week.
There really isn’t too much to write about, since everything I know, or do, or hear of, I tell you over the phone, and at that it isn’t much.
The Nathan lecture, the concert, etc., must have been excellent.
How long does Bob get? I think they are supposed to get a furlough every 4 months in the Air Corps.
So the draft board overlooked Al Barrar. I’ll bet he is kicking himself for asking them.
When is Aunt Fannie coming home? What does Seymour write? Imagine being only 20 miles from Paris!
Tomorrow night there is a U.S.O. Camp Show at the theatre so we will go see it.
I told you what the Lt. told me yesterday. He’s 1st RI platoon lt. and also orientation officer, so when no one is around he acts like a human being and starts talking and telling you things. Says he noticed I passed another code speed this week, and told me to work at code with the typewriter. Said that they couldn’t take me over with them

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unless I had a higher speed. You see we haven’t had much code. Now I’m working on 18 words per minute with pencil. I said to him that I supposed we would go over around Jan. 1st, and he said he thinks March 1st. But then I don’t think he knows anything. And yet, maybe he does. Who knows? All we can do is wait and see and have a good time in the meantime. If the European war should crack, things would probably be different, although we would then probably be in army of occupation. That’s only my supposition. RI is trained for German work – the rest of the bn. could be used in the Pacific just as well I guess.
Orson Wells is now on the radio speaking in behalf of Roosevelt. He’s been quite active in the campaign.
Did you see Steve Harregan and Anna Sheridan’s picture at the Stork Club in this week’s “Life?”
Well I don’t know what to write about so I’ll have to close. Love to you all.
Jerome, Jr.
P.S. This is rather short, but I’ll write more tomorrow.

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