Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated October 23rd, 1944





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated October 23rd, 1944


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while undergoing training at Camp Polk, LA discussing his corresondence, movies, training, furlough, the election of 1944, and war news (invasion of the philippines).



8 pages


World War, 1939-1945


Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945


Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 3


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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Oct. 23, 1944
Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa,
I didn’t get to write you yesterday so I was determined to write this evening. Since there is now a telephone in the Hq. Co. dayroom, I think I shall call tomorrow morning.
Today we were out on a field problem all day, so tomorrow we will be in camp taking code and having other classes in German army orgag orgag organization, radio sets, etc. This week, our schedule is the same as last—field problems on Mon., Wed., and Fri., and classes on Tues. and Thurs. I am scheduled to give another orientation talk Sat. morning for the company and this time I have been assured that I will not be on a trash detail. Sgt. Arkin has been appointed orientation non-com, and I and 2 other fellows are also going to give the class. We are going to fix up the dayroom with maps, etc.m charting the progress of the war. If you run across any

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big maps of any theatre of war, please send them to me.
I received the apples and oranges today. They are, or I should say, were, delicious, for there are about 4 oranges left. I passed them around the barracks as usual. They kept perfectly. It’s really nice to be able to have fresh fruit.
We are now wearing winter uniforms – we changes Saturday. Also I got a Signal Corps button Saturday. I had never had one, you know. I kept my Infantry button as a souvenir, but that’s all I want of the Inf.
By the way, I had another bulletin from Miami Univ. today giving more names of men in service. Ed Lowry’s name was given and to my surprise I learned that he is overseas. The address was listed as incomplete, giving [undecipherable] only his name, serial no., and A.P.O. number, New York. He must have gone over right after his furlough. He was home right after I was. I wrote him a long letter early this summer and never received an answer.
As far as my correspondence is concerned, I wrote B’nai Brith and Eddie Cohen yesterday.

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Oct. 23, 1944
I still have to write a few more. I really don’t think I need to write Longnecker, since his letter was in reply to my postcard from New Orleans. What do you think? He just wrote a few lines, and it is silly to start corresponding with someone like that.
Yesterday I saw 3 excellent movies – “Marriage is a Private Affair” with Lana Turner written by Lenore Coffee in collaboration with another person (this Mrs. Coffee is writing quite profusely lately, it seems), and San Diego, I Love You” with Edward Everett Horton and Louise Allbritton.
The call yesterday came through in 2 hrs., and I was glad I got to talk to both of you. We were fortunate in that it came through so early. I placed in at 8 A.M. in the dayroom and had it transferred to the Service Club.
Did you enjoy the brunch yesterday?

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I saw Bernie Maybrook’s name in the paper in the roster of Ohio State students from Dayton who pledged frat and sororities. Why in God’s name does a fellow like that go to college except for a good time, of course? He couldn’t study if he had to. Same type of student as Margie Miller. I wonder why he is 4F?
Dick Serbin really got a break. They must have don’t plenty of maneuvering. It’s a wonder they couldn’t have done something for Bill Shaman. What’s he doing now?
We ate at the Service Club yesterday noon, that is, the 3 fellows I have been going around with. They went into Leesville last night to the “Pig Trail Sun” but I didn’t go – I wanted to see a movie and write. That stinking town doesn’t interest me. I had a delicious steak by accident last night. The only think on the menu was fried chicken but they ran out of that and had to serve some steaks.
All the men who can’t meet the physical requirements physical requirements are being sent out, most of them to places near their homes. I told you about this fellow from Lebanon is being

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Oct. 23, 1944
sent to Patterson Field.
This Sgt. Dicker (a warrant officer now) was transferred to an outfit in Texas which broke up and he was sent to Patterson Field. He was a master sgt. here, and left here to become a warrant officer.
I never wrote you about my flashlight and watch. Well, the flashlight works perfectly, and the watch crystal is swell, although I did chip a corner of it a few weeks ago. The watch itself stops every now and then, but I give it a good shaking and it is O.K. I Think the chipped crystal has something to do with it. Also it is probably very dirty inside.
If I am still in this outfit I should get a furlough in just about 2 months. They are running 5 months and 2 weeks from the day you started your last furlough, so from July 11 to Dec. 25 is exactly 5 mos. and 2 wks. But don’t count on anything. You know how the Army is.

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I was reading an old letter of yours, Mother, and ran across your description of winning the jackpot at the club. That must have been a thrill.
Bob writes you of a George Newmark? related to Sylvia and Harry. It must be Newman?
Don’t lose my driver’s license. I’ll need it if I get a furlough.
Jimmy Damiman sailed very quickly, didn’t he? Where is he? Does Adelaide know?
The Philharmonic concert with Nathan Milstein and Milton Cross should be wonderful. Dayton certainly is getting a lot of concerts and lectures but no plays so far, it seems.
I want to send my broke sun-glasses home when I get a chance as well as those things I have from New Orleans.
The pryer and can opener are swell. That apricot nectar was delicious, but all that must take a lot of points. The salami didn’t keep again. Meat is awfully hard to send. It’s a shame.
I am anxious to see the sweater you made, Mother. I have a scarf so I don’t know what to say about that.
I would like to send both portable radios home and get the little

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Oct. 23, 1944
electric one down here. I have an outlet right in back of my bed.
If and when I get a furlough that O.D. shirt at home will be perfect. I don’t know whether to send for it or not. You see, we were given a hint by the bn. supply sgt. that we’re only supposed to have clothes that are issued to us by the government and if they want to be nasty about it, they can take our extra clothes away. Such is life in the Army. Where’s that freedom we hear so much about? It sure “ain’t” in the Army.
Well, the election is just 2 wks. Off, and it will be pretty close, I imagine. I’d like to be in Shreveport on election night. “The Merry Widow” will be there.
As to the war, it’s still a huge mess. That Kiplinger letter sure was optimistic. So is “U.S. News.” Who knows?
Well, the Philippine invasion

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is another step nearer the day of total victory.
Must close now. It’s getting quite late. Love to all of you.
Jerome, Jr.

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