Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated October 15th, 1944





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated October 15th, 1944


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while undergoing training at Camp Polk, LA discussing movies, hometown news, plays, and batteries.



6 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 3


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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Oct. 15, 1944
Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa,
I am writing this in the library. It is a little past 5 in the afternoon, and I just returned from the show “Our Hearts Were Young and Gay” by Cornelia Otis Skinner and Emily Kimbrough. It is splendid, and I know you would enjoy seeing it. Four of us went to see it. In a little while we’re going to eat at the Service Club and then see the same show tonight for something went haywire and right in the middle of the picture they flashed on the short subjects and never showed to the last half of the feature. That’s a G.I. movie for you, all right.
We ate at the Serv. Cl. This noon also. I got off guard around 6 A.M., listened to the radio in the dayroom for a while, cleaned my gun, put dublin (a preservative) on my new G.I. shoes, opened up and ate part of the wonderful grocery store you sent me, and then took a shower and shaved. By 9 A.M. I was waiting for the call to come through. Only took 2 ½ hrs. on a 3-4 hr. delay. I didn’t expect it to come through so soon. That’s why I wasn’t there when it came through the first time. Was certainly glad to get to talk to you, Dad. We finally made the right connection.
I’m glad I was abel to call during the week also. I’ll call again on Tuesday, I believe. Mon., Wed., and Fri. we will

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be on a field problem during the lunch hour so I can’t call then unless our schedule is changed.
It was pretty cold last night, but I managed to keep warm on guard. I walked from 8-10 and 4-6. From 12-4 I listened to the radio and dozed off in the dayroom. It was too cold to event attempt to sleep in the guard tent. For several days it was extremely cold day and night but for 3 days now the days bave been warm, but the nights are still very cold. I can’t notice any difference in the weather here from that in Ohio. It’s awfully funny because this is supposedly the heart of the sunny Southland. Today I wore my new field jacket (the one you bought). I had never worn it before. It’s very good looking. The Army issues a new style field jacket now. I always thought the field jackets were the best piece of clothing the Army issued. Also I understand they have designed and are going to issue new style O.D. blouses (coats) When I don’t know. They are said to look very sharp. We go into O.D.’s the 21st (next Saturday.)
I’m glad you could get me wool socks, Dad. They are the only thing to wear in cold weather, and also to wear with heavy G.I. shoes. In fact, I wore them all summer. They absorb the perspiration.
Thanks for sending the $50 money order. I really needed it. I imagine I’ll get the American Express checks today.
As you know, I couldn’t go to Baton Rouge. They left at 11:30 A.M. yesterday and were to leave Baton Rogue

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(3) Oct. 15, 1944
at 1:00 P.M. today. It was called off because they couldn’t get enough gasoline – but I guess everything was ironed out because they finally went.
Next Sat. I am on trash detail and am also scheduled to give on orientation lecture on the European war theatre, so I am endeavoring to keep abreast of the news as much as possible this week. 2 others are going to lecture on the Asiatic and Pacific. I understand this is for the whole battalion.
By the way, our new battalion commander, Col. Frei (I think that’s how he spells it) is a Jew. I overheard someone describing his long beak. Haven’t seen him yet. He and Col. Best traded places it seems.
He arrived Friday and 10 minutes after he arrived he was inspecting everything in sight. He found a lot of hard things is a lot of our barracks bags and so an order came out permitting us to keep only soiled clothes in them. There’s supposed to be a reason for everything in the Army but I’ll be damned if I can see a reason for that.
The cake and the fruit were simply marvelous. The pears and grapes spoiled but everything else was perfectly O.K. It all sure tasted swell.

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I will try to write to Aunt Miriam and Eddie Cohen tonight.
Had a card from Harvey from Denver. Said he is awaiting the opening of school.
Also had a few lines from Don Longnecker, a Fairview paper sent by Bernice Scott, and a bulletin from Miami explaining the G.I. Bill of Rights , etc.
I thought Milton wouldn’t go across because of a hernia. Is his outfit hot? Also what about Bob Green? Seymour is really in the thick of it – England, France, Belgium and now Holland!
Yes, the S. Greens are really ritzy, or at least, they probably think so, even if no one else does.
I received both your letters this week, Dad, as well as all of yours, Mom.
Glad the dishes from New Orleans came and that you liked them.
You know, almost 3 months have passed since I returned from my furlough. I should get another one in January if I am in this country and with this outfit, etc. In February at the latest, if I am with the 68th. They took 4 boys from R.I. and are sending them with the 8th Armored if they pass the physical.
Mother, you brought up that question again today, and now again I don’t know what to say. Do whatever both of you think best.
This war really has me puzzled now. I don’t know what to make of it.
If “Kiss and Tell” were in Shreveport on a Sat. or Sun. I would get a week-end pass and see it. However, I wouldn’t

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(5) Oct. 15, 1944
dare ask for a 3-day pass so soon. Anyway, I’ll go to New Orleans again on my next 3-day pass. This is the San Francisco company and starts June Dayton (June Wetzel). You have read about her in the Dayton papers, I know. Do you realize I haven’t seen a legitimate show since last Dec. 8 when I saw the “Doughgirls?”
I was so very happy to get the New York papers. I wonder why “U.S. News” is so hard to get? The library didn’t get it this week, either.
As I said above, the box of food is simply marvelous.
I had 23 old civilian flashlight batteries and Friday night and I turned them in and got 23 SC 30’s – Signal Corps batteries. They are used for field telephones, etc., and are rustproof, etc. – the best batteries you could possibly get. Well I had them well hidden in a barracks bag but Sat. I turned them back to supply for they are “too hot to handle.” We are not supposed to have them, you know. The C.O. made the some fellows open their barracks bags and show him what they had. He also opened the bags of some who weren’t there. I wasn’t there for either inspection, but luckily he didn’t touch mine. I can get those batteries any time I want, though, for my radios and

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flashlight. Besides, as I said, “nothing hard in barracks bags” is the rule.
Well I will close now and write tomorrow again if possible.
Love to all of you,
Jerome, Jr.

Image 7: Front of Envelope (NT)
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“Til We Meet Again” by Lenore Coffe is excellent. I saw it Friday night. (Back of Envelope)

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