Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated August 14th, 1944





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated August 14th, 1944


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while undergoing training at Camp Polk, LA discussing guard duty, movies, barracks life, war news, and hometown gossip.



7 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 3


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


Image 1:
August 14, 1944
It’s almost 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and I am sitting in the library writing this letter. In an hour or so from now I will have to go back to the area in order to get ready for guard. I took a shower and shaved late this morning, so all I have to do is put on my leggings and pistol belt and grab my carbine and I will be all set. It won’t take long to get back to the area, for I can probably get a ride most of the way. I usually do. I used to walk the whole distance from my barracks to the Service Club. But no more. You aren’t supposed to hitch-hike but I if you just stand along the side of the road a truck or jeep, etc. will usually pick you up. They aren’t supposed to do that either, but it’s done all the time. If that doesn’t work, there are always special trucks that run every so often for the sole purpose of taking fellows to and from different parts of camp. I catch this truck in front of the bus station near the Service Club and it takes

Image 2:
me as far as theater No 1, the theatre we tried to get into but couldn’t that Sunday night you were here. I have to walk the rest of the way.
After I talked to you yesterday I had lunch at the Service Club.
I will probably be able to get a copy of the “Saturday Evening Post” but I would appreciate it if you would send me Stanley’s article anyways in case I am not able to get it. I inquired at the PX today, and the girl said she believed they get the “Post” on Wednesday. The copy I read belongs to the library.
I saw “I Love a Soldier” last night and it was superb. Don’t miss it. Paulette Goddard and Sonny Tufts are excellent.
I have been eating the cake and have I been enjoying it. It has kept so well.
I received a box of candy from Aunt Fannie yesterday -- Mrs. Steven’s candy from Pike’s. It’s very good. I hope I can get a chance to write here [sic] right away. Also Harry Daniels. I suppose I should write Rosella Miller and thank her for the dinner and Clarabelle and Harry for the tie. I will try to write them as soon as possible.
Received a birthday card from Clair and Saul. It’s just lovely!! They irk me and bore me to tears, but in order to keep the peace (if that’s possible, and I seriously doubt it)

Image 3:
(3) August 14, 1944
I’ll write a few lines to them and to that revolting couple, Harry and Lenore (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth). I suppose Saul’s $10 and Harry’s cigarettes plus their dinner would merit a few lines.
Dad, I received your magazines (Time, Newsweek, and the movie mag.) today as well as your letter written Thursday, and as usual was very happy to get them all. Mother, I received your letter written Friday today. The letters you send by air mail seem to get here about a day sooner.
I bought some stamps at the post office this morning, but you can send me some any way, for I will undoubtedly be able to use them. Please see if you can get them in booklet form. I couldn’t here. I bought 25 air-mail stamps and 10 special delivery stamps. I wanted air mail-special delivery stamps (18₵ apiece) but they had none so I had to buy the air-mail stamps separately to go with the special delivery.
Another fellow and I had to clean the latrine this morning.

Image 4:
That took about an hour. After that I took a shower, etc., and came up to the Service Club whereupon I immediately made my call. It was swell talking to you Mother. I wanted to call earlier so I could speak to you too, Dad, but we aren’t permitted to leave until 10 o’clock. Sat. I left earlier and nothing was said, and yesterday I had permission to leave earlier. As a matter of fact I didn’t know we had to wait until 10 co ol o’clock until yesterday. I had intended to have breakfast at the Service Club these few mornings, but they stop serving at 9 o’clock. So I guess that’s out.
I had a haircut this morning. I needed one badly.
I also signed the payroll today. We get paid the last day of each month.
It’s so hard to keep things nice living like this. It’s bad enough in foot lockers, but worse, much worse, in barracks bags. I am constantly throwing things out and replacing them just like I had to to [sic] with the stamps. Now I don’t intend to carry the stamps around on my person.

Image 5:
(5) August 14, 1944
If I keep them in an envelope somewhere maybe they will stay in better condition.
Shaving cream tubes split and the gooey mess gets all over everything, my writing kit is ruined (hasn’t been much good for a long while). It got water-soaked like everything else, is falling apart, and so a mess. I am constantly buying new stationary, not because I use it up so fast, but because the envelopes get damp and become sealed. Everything else is like that. My band-aids are always strewn all over my barracks bag. You see everything nowadays comes in cardboard containers instead of metal ones and naturally they don’t hold up under water and rough treatment. I had tooth powder, Johnson’s baby powder, foot powder, etc. spill all over everything. So the [undecipherable] the cardboard box breaks, I have to throw it out and replace it. It’s wasteful and expensive, but I can’t help it. Can you get those things in metal containers at home? If so, maybe you could send me some.

Image 6:
I have had a pretty bad case of athlete’s foot. I must see if I can’t get some clogs of some sort to wear in the showers, although I won’t have to think about showers much longer, for we won’t be able to take them soon. I have been using foot powder, and that has helped it somewhat. It is getting better.
Mother, I meant to ask you again this morning if you found out when the holidays are this year - whether they are early or late. I think it would be nice if we could arrange to be together for one or both of them, don’t you?
The war looks wonderful, but for some reason I expected something big to happen over the weekend. I thought they might have made some big drives in all directions and also gone on to Paris. The Russians haven’t been doing much lately. I hope they get going soon. Also the same situation seems to exist in Italy. I suppose I am awfully impatient but I would like to see the Germans knocked out of this war today this very minute.
Four years ago today the Atlantic Charter was signed. We were in Atlantic City at the time. How remote the war seemed then.

Image 7:
(7) August 14, 1944
Harry D. writes that Ed Louey (sp?) was home on a furlough. Says he is engaged to a girl in Washington and that they are going to be married after the war. Personally, I think Eddie is dreaming again. He says all sorts of things that aren’t true. Just likes to hear himself talk. Maybe this is true, though. He blows a lot. He had to wait quite a while for his first furlough – I think he started basic training Nov. 1. The time they spent in A.S.T.P. or A.S.T.R.P. doesn’t count towards a furlough.
I thought Jimmy Dammon was to be an Ensign . Mother, you write that he is taking Infantry training.
That Yallman boy in certainly lucky. How in the world does he get to stay out of it?
Well, I must close now. I’ll write more later.
Love to all of you.
Jerome, Jr.

Image 8: Front of Envelope (NT)
Image 9: (Back of Envelope)
Write me the difference in time it took for yesterdays letter which was sent by ordinary mail and today’s letter sent by air mail to reach you.

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