Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated May 2, 1944





Letter from Jerome Epstein, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Epstein and Mr. Louis Green, dated May 2, 1944


Epstein, Jerome, Jr.


Letter written by Jerome Epstein, Jr. while undergoing training at Camp Polk, LA discussing music, packages, and the Air War



4 pages


World War, 1939-1945



Jerome Epstein Papers #C0262, Box 1 Folder 2


George Mason University Libraries


Copyright not held by George Mason University Libraries. Restricted to personal, non-commercial use only. For permission to publish, contact Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.


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May 2, 1944

Dear Mother, Dad, and Grandpa
I have been rather lax on my letter writing lately, so tonight I vowed that the first thing I would do would be to write you this letter. There really isn’t much to write about, since I have been telling everything of importance over the telephone.
I didn’t have a chance to call over the weekend, and although I wanted to, I also felt that I should ease up on the calls for a couple of days for I know that they are terribly expensive. I do get a lot of pleasure out of talking to you, though, and I always feel so much better after calling home.
I received those delicious cookies last Saturday – and when I say delicious I really mean it. Mother, they were really swell, and I know I don’t have to tell you how much I appreciated them.

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Also, none of them came broken, a fact which is something close to a miracle.
I was glad to get the zipper kit and toilet articles. Something in which toilet articles can be kept is really a necessity in the Army. The razor is swell. I have been using one which I bought at the PX for 18₵.
Dad, as always the papers and magazines were a welcome sight. I have always had a desire to keep up with current affairs, not only those concerning the war of which there are plenty, but also those of the arts of which I will never tire. There are so many good books out. I only wish I had time to read them.
My company bought a new RCA radio and Victrola combination for the day room – also some new records. I have been listening to two of my favorite tonight – the albums from “Oklahoma” and “One Touch of Venus.” They are beautiful. If I ever get to New York – oh well, you know what I am going to say – I will want to see every show on Broadway.
Tomorrow I have an anniversary. It’s just 4 months since I went on active duty. It seems much longer. IT’s May already, and still no invasion. The air war is simply amazing though. And Goering , once boasted that no bombs would ever fall on German soil!
How was Sherwod Eddy? He must be very interesting.
Joe Howard’s show must have been a riot. “Gay Nineties” revues are always good.

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From your description, Mother, Margie Miller probably stole the show. She might get somewhere yet. You have to give her credit.
I got a few letters off over the weekend, but I still have many more to write. I will get to them as soon as possible.
My sunglasses were not found at the cleaners, so I don’t know what happened to them. See if you can locate a new pair, will you? There are going to be plenty of bright days when I will be able to make use of them. It’s terrible the way I lose things, but living like this makes it difficult to keep track of one’s belongings.
It would be marvelous if you could come down here for Mother’s Day. I don’t think there is much of anything in Leesville, however. I will try to find out all that I can about accommodations. It would be grand to be together again.
I just heard Celeste Holms singing

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“I Can’t Say No.” She is superb in that Kurt Weills music in “One Touch of Venus” is reminiscent of his “Lady in the Dark.” He can really write music.
Well, my letter is rather short and disconnected tonight. I wish I had more to write, but since I haven’t, I will come to a close. Write me all the news in Dayton.
Jerome, Jr.

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