Subject is exactly
For aney paine in the Eare
To stop vomiting
Lady Munson an excellent resept for Dropsy & Scurvy
To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops
To Calver & Pickel Salmon
To Make sausiges
To pickle Eggs
To Pot Lobster
For Cookery & Pickeles
Fish Sauce
Elder Brandy
Plague Water to Make
To Make My Lady Nevells Snaile Watter
To Make Mrs Fleetwoods Surfeit Watter
To Make a Perfumed water
The Snaile : Water
Aqua Mirabelis
Mrs Fletwoods Surfeit water
To Make Walnut Catchep [Ketchup]
To make the best Litele plombe Kakes [little plum cakes]
To Make the york Ginger Bread
A recipe for gingerbread using claret wine, ginger, cinnamon, mace, cloves, Jamaica pepper (allspice), sanders (sandalwood), and bread crumbs. -
To Make My owne Chees Cakes [cheesecakes]
A recipe to make cheese cake. -
to Make the Queens kakes
A recipe for making small cakes with currants and spices. -
To Make a Cabage Puding
A recipe for a "cabbage pudding," using minced veal, beef fat, herbs and spices, and wrapped in cabbage leaves before boiling. -
Cock Ale
A recipe for making ale with rooster meat (starts with ale that has already been brewed, as well as sack, a type of white wine).