Subject is exactly
A Pultis for a Sore breast
For the Same
A treatment for the condition called quinsy / quinsey, a potentially life-threatening complication from tonsillitis. -
To drive out the Measles
For aney paine in the Eare
To Stay the Bleeding of a vaine that is broken inwardly
A poultise for a sore brest
Doctor Jams’ Powder how to use it
In the [Annales] des [Cortes] J. is the following receipt for making a milk white paint
To Make sausiges
To kill Bugs and worms in horsis
A Stumach or surfiet water
A consumsion water
Her French bread
o Make Duch Goaters
Sr. Fleit Shephard’s receipt for a sack-poset [posset]
A transcribed poem -
My Lady N French Bread
The Angelets
A recipe likely for making Angelot, a kind of soft cheese (now known as "Pont-l'Évêque") -
To Make a thick Cheese
A method for making a thick, dry cheese (described as similar to parmesan), using milk, cream, rennet, and salt -
To Make wigs the Lady Neviles way
A recipe for making wigs, a bun/small cake. -
To make a fine Baked Puding [pudding] MB
My Lady Plymoths Sack Poset [posset]
Describes a recipe for "sack posset," a kind of hot drink made with milk curdled with alcohol. This recipe uses sack, a kind of white wine. -
To Make My owne Chees Cakes [cheesecakes]
A recipe to make cheese cake. -
To Make French Breade
A recipe for a french bread, using flour, milk, butter, salt, yeast, and vinegar, baked in loafs. -
To Make the French friters
A recipe for "French fritters" using flour, apples, orange flower water, and nutmeg, fried in fat. -
Wassel Cake
This recipe gives directions for making a "cake" of currants by mixing currants with milk. May be incomplete; title may actually refer to "Wasel" Cake.