Subject is exactly
To Cure the biting of a mad dog
For a scald head
To take away heat in the face
To Make an Ointment for a Scald head
To Make a Dish of Scotch Colops
To Make the Oyster loaves
To boyle Flownders
To Make sausiges
To Boyle Spinage stalks
A recipe for the preparation of spinach by boiling, served with melted butter -
To Make a Frigesey of chickens
To Make a Frigisy of Sheep Tongues
Crisp Partes for Tarts
To make stuffing for boiled Turkey or Fowls or a [illegible] Pike
To Make Lemon Cheese Cakes Mrs Jane Willkinssons Resept
Her French bread
o Make Duch Goaters
To Make Mrs Thomsons Kakes
To Make Ginger Bread Mrs Liste[r]
Paste for the thin Tarts
To make the best Litele plombe Kakes [little plum cakes]
To Make Jumbels
To Make Puff Paist [Pastry]
A recipe for making puff pastry dough -
A Lemon Caudle
A Dutch Puding [pudding]
A recipe for a baked Dutch pudding, using short paste (a pastry made with shortening or fat), eggs, and butter. -
Orang Buter [orange butter]
A recipe for making orange butter.