I use this handout whenever I'm asked to talk about source types in an ENGH 302. It covers popular, scholarly, trade, grey, and primary sources. It also has a second page that covers some search strategies to help students find the different source types.
This ENGH 101 lesson introduces students to how to evaluate sources. It begins with a Kahoot and then discusses aspects of evaluation like authority and accuracy. It uses 4 moves and a habit as a way to evaluate sources.
This session, aimed at ENGH 101 students, integrates source types and how to search using the databases. After a short presentation, students practice the RADAR test for source evaluation and searching databases using their own topics.
This session, designed for an ENGH 302 audience, introduces the IF I APPLY method of source evaluation. During the session, students start by reflecting on a headline, then sharing with a partner. They then go into a small group activity to evaluate a provided source using the IF I APPLY method. Finally, students take 5 minutes at the end of class to reflect and share on the process as a whole.
This plan, which was used across BUS 103 sections in Spring 2020, introduces students to the basics of business research. After discussing source types, students learn about professional business sources and then practice in groups by comparing three major databases. The session concludes with a presentation from each group on the database they were assigned and strategies they generated.
This lesson introduces students to the BEAM method of source evaluation, as a part of evaluating sources rhetorically in ENGH 302. The lesson includes a brief introduction to the method, then goes into a source categorization activity where students apply the method in class. The lesson plan includes versions for 50- and 75-minute lessons, as well as a worksheet option for assessment purposes.