I use this handout whenever I'm asked to talk about source types in an ENGH 302. It covers popular, scholarly, trade, grey, and primary sources. It also has a second page that covers some search strategies to help students find the different source types.
This lesson, which includes options for online and face-to-face modalities, incorporates a news story about K-Pop to demonstrate creating a research question, constructing a search strategy, and finding relevant sources. Students are asked to work individually to create a research topic that is less than six degrees separated from K-Pop, then work in groups to compare keywords and brainstorm together. Finally, those groups come back together to find a scholarly source related to their question.
This session, designed for an ENGH 302 audience, introduces the IF I APPLY method of source evaluation. During the session, students start by reflecting on a headline, then sharing with a partner. They then go into a small group activity to evaluate a provided source using the IF I APPLY method. Finally, students take 5 minutes at the end of class to reflect and share on the process as a whole.
This lesson introduces students to the BEAM method of source evaluation, as a part of evaluating sources rhetorically in ENGH 302. The lesson includes a brief introduction to the method, then goes into a source categorization activity where students apply the method in class. The lesson plan includes versions for 50- and 75-minute lessons, as well as a worksheet option for assessment purposes.